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Bionic Traveler

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The player is in a mystical land surrounded by mushroom trees and cabins.The player is in a grassy field fighting an enemy.The player is in a tiled room surrounded by monsters.The player is in a busy city surrounded by streets and buildings.The player is being spoken to by Lyra-BFF, who is greeting them and asking what they're up to.
  • CLB
  • STM


July 22, 2022


21-22 school year

Bionic Traveler is the 2021-2022 school year project of the University of Pennsylvania Game Research and Development Environment Club (UPGRADE).

UPGRADE sought to use the development of this project to teach its members the processes of game development, to serve as an outlet for creative expression, and to provide the expression of bringing a game from concept all the way to market. Thus, the contents of this game were made over the course of a singular academic year at UPenn off of weekly meetings, a few extra-meeting crunches, and a hackathon.

The game was ultimately not entirely finished, but this build that is now listed on Steam serves to show off the work that the students in this club were able to accomplish on top of their rigorous course loads at UPenn.


Leadership: Di Liu (SEAS '22), Edward Zhang (SEAS + Wharton '23)

Game Concepts: Praneel Chakraborty (CAS + Wharton '24)

Story Premise: Jimmy Ciardullo (SEAS '22)

Lead Programmer: Lennart Meincke (SAS '23)

Art Director: Meggie Cheng (SEAS '22)

Sound Lead: Kevin Zhao (SEAS '22)

Lead Writers: Jimmy Ciardullo (SEAS '22), Kevin Ma (SEAS '25)